It's a Dog Tag Wife Life

The musings of a non-conventional, soon-to-be Army Wife

Tasty Tuesday – Risotto Style September 28, 2010

Filed under: Recipe — It's a Dog Tag Wife Life @ 6:45 pm

I know it’s late in the day, I apologize.  Things have just been really crazy this week.  My parents are coming to visit this weekend, we registered this past weekend, just busy in general.  But I have a delicious concoction for you today.  It’s my risotto recipe.  Yum!!!!  All the recipes that I come across call for huge amounts,  mine is great for two people.  Also, this is just the basic recipe.  I added peas, but that’s because I love them.  I understand that many people don’t, so feel free to add what you love.  This dish can either be totally vegetarian or with meat.  Sometimes I put asparagus, a little squash or pumpkin, chicken, bacon, or anything else that I can find in the house.  Seafood like scallops and shrimp are also good.  Get creative, it’s a fun recipe.  I also hear mushrooms are popular, but like I said, the texture creeps me out.  Although, I did have an amazing version one time with ground up truffles and it may have been the single most inspiring risotto meal I have ever had.  Anyway, on with the recipe.

Some things to note, this will take some time.  It is not hard, just time consuming and a bit high maintenance.  You just need to keep stirring it.  Probably not the best for a night with a soccer practice, flute lessons, and homework.  Maybe better for a quiet night for two.

The ingredients:

  • Olive Oil to Coat Pan
  • 1/2 small onion or 1 shallot, chopped finely
  • 1 clove garlic (more if you like, I always put in at least two)
  • 1 Cup Arborio Rice (trust me, you need this, it’s not the same with regular old white rice)
  • 3-3 1/2 cups chicken or vegetable stock
  • 1/2-1 cup white wine
  • Parmesan Cheese (I use the shredded 3 cheese blend, not the mushed up stuff)
  • 2 tablespoons butter
  • Salt & Pepper to Taste
  • Vegetables/meat of your choice (I used 1 cup cooked peas)

Mix the stock and wine.  Most recipes call for adding the wine first, but I think it’s easier to mix the two together initially.  Place over low heat (not lowest setting, but not quite medium low), just enough to warm it up.   Add oil to a large saute pan.  A few tablespoons should do.  Heat up the pan, I use medium heat, and saute the onion or shallots.  Add garlic at the end to keep it from burning.

Add the rice, stirring constantly until translucent.  Don’t let it brown.  This should take about 3 minutes.  At this point, I would reduce the heat to medium low, it makes it easier when adding the broth.

Add about 1/2 cup of the wine/stock mixture.  Stir until it is absorbed.  The first spoonful will absorb quickly.  It will take a little more time later on.  I learned quickly not to keep the temperature too high.  It makes the liquid evaporate too fast and the rice doesn’t get the nice creamy texture that you’re going for.

Adding half a cup at a time, stir the broth and rice until the liquid is absorbed.  Here is what it looks like when you’ve first added the broth.

It only took a couple minutes to go from the previous picture to this.  I didn’t add any more liquid.  If the liquid is only taking a few seconds to evaporate, your temp is too high.  This is one of those “low and slow” type of recipes.  Not too low, otherwise you’ll end up with rice soup.

Some wine for me, some for the risotto.  And use a wine you would drink. Trust me, it makes a major difference.

Once you’ve added all of the liquid and the rice is nice and creamy, add the butter and a sprinkling of cheese (I like a little less, I feel like it doesn’t overpower it then.) but feel free to add as much as you like.  Also, add salt and pepper to taste.  If you’re using broth rather than stock, it may be salty enough.

Add the extras like peas or squash or whatever you wish.

Enjoy with a delicious glass of wine.

And this is this weeks edition of Tasty Tuesday!


6 Responses to “Tasty Tuesday – Risotto Style”

  1. Tammy McLeod Says:

    That looks great. Whenever we go out to eat, I order risotto because I know how much time it takes. It’s a great fall dish. Thanks for the inspiration.

    • I’m the same way! I love ordering it out, especially to see how restaurants make it their own. Now that the weather is getting cooler, I love making it on a night where I don’t have much going on. It’s such great comfort food. And thanks for visiting!

  2. Carrie Clark Says:

    My favorite thing to do with risotto is to take a variety of fall vegetables (broccoli, butternut squash, onions, any other root veggies other than potatoes), roast them, and mix them in with the risotto. YUM!!

  3. Mrs. Mootz Says:

    I LOVE risotto. I made it for the first time a couple months ago (I actually posted about it :)). I would probably eat it every night if I could work it into every meal.

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